Entering A New Chapter

The times are a changing. There is a palatable transition happening with the arrival of a new year and a new decade. The new year offers an opportunity to assess our thoughts and behaviors.  What is being created? Are we givers and receivers of love? Are we affirming unity or creating separation? As conscious creators, there are infinite possibilities for expansion. Spiritual law teaches that what the mind focuses upon, the universe will generate more of. This law is true for the individual as well as the collective. What will become of us in this new decade?

Every January there is a collective optimism for the year ahead.  How will this year be different from prior years? The answer lies in the ability to assess one’s thoughts and behaviors. Every action is an act of love or a call for love. It either brings healing through unity or creates a riff of agitation through separation. As the year unfolds, the effects play out like a well-crafted movie script. However, remember that you are the head writer and responsible for what is created.  There are infinite possibilities as to what you can manifest in the physical and otherwise. We learn from spiritual principles the power of the mind through intention setting and experience firsthand the effects, so how will 2020 be different than the last? 

Some of us set resolutions, others intentions, and some start with a fresh check list of desires. We would invite you to seek a deeper union with your spiritual self.  The mind, the body, and the emotional heart all lead towards a connection to Spirit.  They are avenues to realign with the expansive True Self. What can you do to harness a more fulfilling connection?  For some, it may be better nutrition or more exercise.  For others, it may be journaling or meditation. For those who are more guarded, try opening your heart.  Hugs, affections, saying “I love you” (including in a mirror to the person looking back at you) are ways to recognize the Light that dwells within you while witnessing the Light within others. Choose the actions that lead towards your expansion, towards growth and healing. As the year unfolds you will witness the effects of such actions large and small.

In order for the world to elevate in consciousness, to be more compassionate, and loving, it must begin with each individual.  As Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  You can be a catalyst for change, if you put your mind to it.

We wish you all a happy, prosperous and love-filled New Year. 

May your light shine the brightest yet. This is 2020.


A Prosperous Mind