A Prosperous Mind

How do some people seem to generate money so easily and others struggle to stay afloat? The answer lies within their mind.  One of the fundamental laws of spirituality is “Our Thoughts are Creative.”  Each thought is an affirmation. What you spend your time thinking about will generate more of those thoughts. Physical form is the manifestation of cumulative thoughts. Before something can be created like this blog, creating a business, or generating more income, the process begins in the mind. 

According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has 60,000 thoughts per day. 80% of thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive. Throughout the day the average person spends most of their time affirming their negative truths. “That is not possible. I don’t have the money. I am drowning in debt.” These negative repetitive thoughts are creative and help to reinforce our physical reality. If you don't like what you are experiencing around you, then shift your perspective.

The universe is filled with limitless opportunities. Prosperous people maintain a positive mind. They affirm abundance. The first step is to set financial goals.  Why do you seek prosperity and abundance?  What do you want to do with those resources? How much do you want to make?  What if these were the thoughts you affirmed everyday? Then the creative mind, reinforced by the repetitive thoughts would work to manifest the abundance in physical form. 

Understanding the power of creative thoughts, a prosperous mind is not filled with lack. Instead the mind is aware of the natural flow of receiving and giving. This equation requires that as you receive, you must also share. Tithing is a spiritual principle of donating 10% of income to support what spiritually nourishes you. Traditionally this has been practiced by houses of worship, but is not limited to them. Spiritual nourishment can come from a wide array of sources.  Maybe it’s through environmental causes, a server at a dinner, a wise elder, or a drag queen in heels.  The Divine is omnipresent, can you bear witness? By tithing your abundance, you are acknowledging the natural flow of prosperity.  You are in sync with the universe. As you give so shall you receive.

As we recondition our minds and elevate our consciousness, there is an innate threshold when we contemplate our purpose. Why are you here?  What purpose does your life have? Can you be an expression of love, of authenticity, of Divine Light? How we go about doing that, displays the uniqueness in each of us. A prosperous mind seeks abundance to assist with their purpose.  What is your Divine purpose?

Everyday there is an opportunity to reaffirm our truths. When a sense of lack, separation, or limitations arises, can there be a shift in perception?  The Divine is always present and the universe is filled with unlimited potential. A teacher once told me that the fastest way to generate income is to start sharing what you already have, ensuring that you are part of the natural flow. Maintaining a prosperous mind is a daily practice. May this letter be a gentle reminder along the journey towards abundance.  Namaste.


A Healthy Mind & Body


Entering A New Chapter